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Digital Paid Advertising

Often referred to as internet advertising or online paid advertising or pay-per-click (PPC), we refer to this service as Digital Paid Advertising.

Digital Paid Advertising can be broken down into the following types of advertising:

  • Search
  • Display
  • Social

Search advertising involves Search Engines where purchasing of placement within the search results is targeted based on the search terms queried in the locations desired. This is highly targeted as the searcher is much further down the purchasing process searching for a very specific term and a very targeted match with an advert placement is made. This is normally used for very niche offerings.

Display advertising involves broad reaching but not very targeted advertising as search –  normally leveraged for brand advertising. Display network advertising involves advertising being brokered on websites and mobile applications using demographics which target specific groups of people by gender, age, interests and many other data points.

Social advertising is very similar to Display advertising in how it targets using demographics and is on the rise in developing highly targeted advertising like Search advertising does. This is normally used for Fast Moving Consumable Goods (FMCGs)

3 Lesser Know Facts about Digital Paid Advertising:

  1. Digital Paid Advertising’s successes amongst things started when it solved a time old problem of marketing in proving to finance the exposure the advertising created. Typically a channel where sufficient exposure was possible was selected, targeted at the desired audience at the desired price, payment was made and then that was that. A report post campaign performance of results was never a given and rarely expected – there was no reconciliation.

  2. Another key success factor of Digital Paid Advertising is one of the methods called  Pay-Per-Click (PPC). Simply put an advert can be shown over and over and only charged for when the advert is selected via a click on a computer screen or pressing the advert on a mobile device or touch screen – adverts are only charged when selected. Adverts are selected on average 4% of the time, so your advert in effect is shown 96 times for free on the average to a person typing into a search engine exactly what you are offering, for free. With Digital Paid Advertising the channel chosen will not charge until the targeted audience is reached at the desired price.

  3. Technology is currently experiencing a boom in artificial intelligence, and most Digital Paid Advertising platforms are using artificial intelligence to optimize your campaigns automatically and constantly refine the successes of your targeted adverts and customers for optimal results.

Digital Paid Advertising is a good way to get results fast, however there is a cautionary note in that the platform’s prices are often demand driven amongst things, and it is a price that is constantly changing, and mostly on the upward as competition enters the location you are targeting. The counter measure to this concern is to invest in one’s ‘natural’ rankings (also referred to as ‘organic’) and this is achieved in the service called Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Search Engines while showing adverts in the most prominent positions firstly, also show non paid high quality results to the queries of the searchers after the adverts, these are the natural/organic search results which are determined by a variety of factors, and these need to be worked on in the long run to offset constantly growing costs of Digital Paid Advertising – in short it is considered best practice to run Digital Paid Advertising and Search Engine Optimization services in unison for fast results and best total cost in the long term.


Digital Paid Advertising normally includes a broker cost for a once off setup as well as constant management of cost (normally month to month), in conjunction with which there is the cost for the adverts themselves which are normally done in a preload capacity directly to the advertiser by you the customer to avoid conflicts of interest and ethical concerns.

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