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Vendor Security Questionnaire


The Vendor Security Questionnaire Template is designed to assess the security practices, policies, and controls of third-party vendors or service providers. This questionnaire enables [Your Organization Name] to gather detailed information about vendors’ security measures, identify potential vulnerabilities, and ensure alignment with security best practices and regulatory requirements such as POPIA (Protection of Personal Information Act) in South Africa. By conducting thorough security assessments, [Your Organization Name] can mitigate security risks, protect sensitive data, and maintain compliance with relevant regulations.


The primary objective of the Vendor Security Questionnaire is to:

  • Evaluate the security posture of third-party vendors or service providers.
  • Assess vendors’ security policies, procedures, and controls to identify potential vulnerabilities and risks.
  • Ensure that vendors adhere to security best practices, industry standards, and regulatory requirements.
  • Obtain transparency and visibility into vendors’ security practices to make informed decisions about vendor selection and risk management.

Template Components:

  1. Vendor Information:
    • Vendor Name: [Enter Vendor Name]
    • Contact Information: [Enter Contact Details]
    • Vendor Type: [Select Vendor Type – e.g., IT service provider, cloud service provider, data processor, etc.]
  2. Security Questionnaire Sections:
    • Governance and Risk Management: Assess the vendor’s governance structure, risk management practices, and security policies.
    • Access Controls: Evaluate the vendor’s access control mechanisms, including user authentication, authorization, and privilege management.
    • Data Protection: Inquire about the vendor’s data protection measures, including encryption, data storage, and data handling procedures.
    • Network Security: Assess the vendor’s network security controls, including firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems, and network segmentation.
    • Incident Response and Business Continuity: Inquire about the vendor’s incident response procedures, business continuity plans, and disaster recovery capabilities.
    • Compliance and Certification: Determine whether the vendor complies with relevant regulations such as POPIA, GDPR, HIPAA, etc., and inquire about any certifications or audits conducted by independent third parties.
  3. Open-Ended Questions:
    • Provide space for vendors to provide additional information or details about their security practices, policies, and controls.
    • Encourage vendors to provide examples or evidence of their security measures, such as security certifications, audit reports, or security incident response plans.

The Vendor Security Questionnaire Template serves as a valuable tool for [Your Organization Name]’s vendor management process, enabling the organization to assess the security posture of third-party vendors comprehensively. By leveraging this questionnaire, [Your Organization Name] can gain insights into vendors’ security practices, identify potential risks, and make informed decisions about vendor engagement and risk mitigation strategies.

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