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eCommerce and Mobile Commerce

Electronic and Mobile Commerce,

or simply ECommerce and MCommerce

In the internet age, facilitating transactions and being able to trade autonomously 24 hours a day 7 days a week, is merely being competitive.In an age of process re-engineering, to have operational costs lean makes an internet Ecommerce solutions a key tool for the modern day business.The fact that you will be able to take orders from multiple internet enabled devices from smart phones tablets to computers opens you up to a competitive advantage. Payment processing can be setup to facilitate payments from Paypal to Credit Card, to merely Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) to simply receiving an order by email with no money having to pass through the website.Transacting via an internet service like your website, reduces staff requirements, a process that can be quite cost intense. Customers can order any time of day or night when it suites them.  You can have inventories displayed or even sync with an Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) system to an Accounting system.Lastly, integration into Customer Relationship (CRM) systems via bridges is possible, examples: Salesforce and VTiger, for a start. Package and parcel of our service delivery.

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