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  1. Cloud Computing

    1. Software as a Service (SaaS): involve the delivery of software over the internet, typically on a subscription basis.

    2. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): includes services that provide virtualized computing resources over the internet, such as servers and storage.

    3. Platform as a Service (PaaS): includes services that provide a platform for developing, running, and managing applications, typically including a web server, a database, and a programming language runtime.

  1. Databases

    1. Databases: Development and implementation of databases to store, manage and retrieve data.

    2. Design: Involve the design and modeling of the database structure and schema, to ensure the data is stored in an organized and efficient manner.

    3. Management: Daily management and administration of the databases, such as data input, indexing, and backup.

    4. Maintenance: Regular maintenance and optimization of the databases to ensure optimal performance, scalability and availability.

    5. Backup: Regular backup of databases to ensure data availability, integrity and recovery in case of data loss or corruption.

    6. Recovery:Data from backups in case of data loss or corruption.

    7. Security: Implementation of security measures to protect the databases from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction.


  1. Information Technology:

    1. Data Management & Storage: This subcategory includes services that involve the management, storage, and protection of data, including backup, recovery, and disaster recovery.

    2. Storage Processing & Communication of Information: This subcategory includes services that involve the management and maintenance of data storage, processing, and communication systems, such as servers, storage systems, and networks.

    3. Help Desk & Technical Support: This subcategory includes services that provide technical assistance and support to users, including troubleshooting, problem resolution, and user training.

    4. Cybersecurity: This subcategory includes services that involve the protection of IT systems and networks from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction and compliance with legal, statutory and regulatory.


  1. Communications Technology:

    1. Deployment: This subcategory includes services that involve the installation, configuration and setup of communication systems, including hardware and software.

    2. Management: This subcategory includes services that involve the ongoing management, monitoring and maintenance of communication systems to ensure optimal performance, scalability and availability.

    3. Conferencing: This subcategory includes services that involve the deployment and management of conferencing systems, such as audio, video, and web conferencing.

    4. Unified Communications: This subcategory includes services that involve the integration of various communication channels, such as voice, video, instant messaging, and email, into a single platform.

    5. Collaboration Tools: This subcategory includes services that involve the deployment and management of collaboration tools, such as team chat, document sharing, and project management software.

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